Saturday, July 1
Well, what am I
going to do today?
I decide to follow up on a tip Ferry gave me. If I take the train to Trastevere station and keep right, I'll be walking through a short tunnel and I will end up in a nice shopping street. When I actually go there, it turns out to be correct. I'll need some time to see all shops and stores!
Then I want to do some sightseeing. I head back to Trastevere and take the
train to Ostiense. If I walk north from there I should be at the Piramide and
the Porte San Paolo according to my map. Correct again. I look around and take
some pictures. Then I take a tram to go to Rome's city centre. Only this time
not just to look, but also to take pictures!
When I finally get home, I don't feel like doing anything anymore. O well, I did do a lot of walking today. I get my camera and browse through all pictures I took today. And I think to myself: what am I going to do tomorrow?
Sunday, July 2
Today I start with
train and tram to Largo di Torre Argentina. From there I walk east towards Piazza Venetia.
There should be sight to go see and then I'll also be close to the Forum
Romanum. Once I arrive at the Piazza Venetia, I'm very surpised: what a big
building. This is a monument?? Italians don't think little, now do they? I see
people walking on top of the building. Apparently you can enter it. I walk
around the building and discover the entran ce. Once I am on the building, there
turns out to be an exhibition about the Italian army. Interested I walk through
it. It's nice and cool inside. I think it's only a pity all descriptions are in
Italian; I cannot understand one word of it.
Outside I see a van or wagon selling water
and bread. I walk there and buy something to eat, because it's already way past
twelve. I head south around the monument or whatever it is, and climb
Campidoglio (Capitol hill). There I sit on a low wall to eat my sandwich.
After finishing my
sandwich, I walk around the Capitol, because south of it should be the Forum
Romanum. It is. Surpised I look down. Now it's clear where the Italians got
their big-thinking from. My god, those Roman buildings were huge. I take some
pictures and buy a souvenir. Slowly I walk down the stairs past all ruins. I
take a lot of pictures.
When I'm satisfied about the
Forum Romanum, I refill my water bottle at one of the fountains and walk south.
That way I'll arrive at the Colloseum, my map tells me. I take a quick look
around and decide to walk back towards a tram stop via the Circus Maximus.
Because it's getting quite late and I am starting to feel hungry. At the Circus
Maximus I'm surprised. I distinctly remember from the "Ben Hur” movie how it
must have looked. Now it's one bare plain. Only a corner tower and a little part
of the surrounding buildings have been excavated. In thought I can almost see
Roman wagons racing around that corner……….